Friday, April 30, 2010
Car Decals, Tacky or tight?
Walk the Walk
Heeeey Corpus! So tomorrow is the illuminated night parade of Buc Days! I hope I see everyone there. Also, I found out Corpus has this sweet indie festival every even month and its called the Art walk. Basically for a day Corpus turns more into Austin, with acoustic musicians on every corner and independent jewelry vendors at various stops that are made by this sweet graffiti-ed up trolly which also had a live band on it! Dude I know. I also so so much sweet art, I was in paradise. Everyone was just walking around downtown and chatting and I met so many cool people, I had to double check make sure I hadn't entered the twilight zone. For a city that no longer wants to support the arts financially it sure looks like we know what we are doing when it comes to art festivals.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Burger Bellies Unite!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Looks like someone has a case of the Mondays
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
It's been a long night in Corpus Christi

First of all, I'm sorry I fell off the blog scene for such a long time, work and school seemed to consume me for some time. I also recently bought an xbox and let modern warfare rule my free time. But I'm back to tell you thanks for being a fan and even if you don't hear from me for a while I will never be too far away!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Sweet Nothings
Monday, February 8, 2010
Work it Girl!
I have never really been much of a club person , mainly because I never have anything to wear, I'm notorious for wearing a shirt and jeans. But regardless this should never stop someone from going out and busting a move. (you see I can't even talk about clubs and sound cool!) So saturday was one of the rare occasions I went clubbing for my friend Trisha's birthday; we went to ESCALA. Yes the fabulous and relatively new gay club right here on staples behind Beamers. Brad and I were excited and a bit nervous, I mean what happens at a gay club? I expected feathers, flashing and lots of fondling and I got just about that.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Through me some beads mista!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Islanders Do it On Campus
So check it out, there are quite a few things going down today! So if you find yourself bored and realizing you don't have class tomorrow try some of these out!
Feb. 4
Winter jazz mixer from 6-8 pm at Islander Art Gallery 4024 Weber rd. In the Hamlin Center. There will be hors d'oeuvres (pronounced "or -derbs" ... the French right?! Ha) live music!! And an array of beers to sample (a college kids dreams!) and also a silent auction (always cool stuff and exciting) tickets are 20 bucks, not bad considering all the hook ups and all the proceeds go to student scholarships so you could always win your money back ;).
There is a student vs faculty/staff basketball game 8-9:30 pm. At the Dugan wellness center (huge gym!) tickets are free and it's open to the public. Talk about a great way to see a proff. you may not like get dunked on! Also the spirit team is going to have the traditional homecoming burning of the "I" during half time, so show your spirit and go!!!
Finally C.A.B ( campus activity board) will be hosting an "up all night" ( 9:30-2 am) in the University Center. Various activities will be held around the building and a magic show by Dan Sperry begins at 10pm.! You don't have to be an islander to go! And it's free, fun for everyone!
I also recently came across this article in the Corpus Christi Caller Times (thanks to Marco!) Joe Hillard a local radio host feels the same way I do, and is trying the same thing (sans a blog ofcourse) Check out his list of things to do, sounds exciting if you think you can handle it!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Paging the Modern World
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Vote for the Future
All the Kids get fly on a Saturday Night
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Up to something fishy
Ocean Avenue
As I was driving to school today I noticed how amazing the beach looks first thing in the morning. Corpus really is a diamond in the rough, I think all we need is more parks. We have maybe 2 that are large enough for anything great, but it seems all awesome cities have centerally located large walking parks. The dogs of corpus Christi could use atleast a dog run. How do I propose this to my city council? Let's work together to make corpus as awesome as it looks from the beach early in the morning!!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Lovely Lunch Spots
Café 517! Owned by the same people as Nuevo Café only better! I ordered the chicken bacon club and it was out of this world. Try the bread pudding for dessert it's the bomb. The place is small and pretty hard to find the entrance, my mom and my aunts all took different ways to get inside. Complete with sweet songs from around the world and an outdoor smoking patio café 517 could just be your new morning hip hangout!
Overall I give café 517 a score of 4 cheers for delicious food and sweet ambiance. But their outside patio needs some help
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
An Idea Straight Out of Left Field
Looking for more activity? Maybe malls aren't your thing, why not try Corpus Christi's classic batting cages?! The Grand Slams is Corpus' oldest baseball/softball fields. Get some friends, form a team and come out! Grand Slams is nothing flashy, the benches creak and the concrete is almost sand at this point, but if you want some old fashion fun, get your feet on the field!
Fun For Everyone
I was reading an interesting article in the C.C. Caller Times earlier, (thanks Marco) talking about economic times and how these tough times give people the chance to buckle down not only on their wallets but on their bellies.
5488 S. Padre Island Dr.
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
P: 361.991.3755
F: 361.993.5631
Monday-Saturday 10am-9pm
Sunday Noon-6pm
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Zen and art of Sushi Making
Sometimes when you go out to eat the restaurant is beautiful but their food is monstrous. Sometimes when you go out to eat, the restaurant is a hole in the wall, but their food is cooked by the Gods. However, sometimes, harmony is formed when the restaurant not only makes your mouth drop, but also makes taste buds sing. Brad and I were close to finding this harmony in Corpus at a semi-new swanky eatery ZEN Sushi Ultralounge.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Nuevo places, not on your radar
There are places in Corpus you dare not go. They are dirty and scary and are developing slow. But if you seek the places rarely known, you might just realize how much Corpus Christi has grown.
Monday, January 4, 2010
What are you waiting for?!
"Alexis... wake up dude...wake up I need you ..." This is what I hear from the black