Heeeey Corpus! So tomorrow is the illuminated night parade of Buc Days! I hope I see everyone there. Also, I found out Corpus has this sweet indie festival every even month and its called the Art walk. Basically for a day Corpus turns more into Austin, with acoustic musicians on every corner and independent jewelry vendors at various stops that are made by this sweet graffiti-ed up trolly which also had a live band on it! Dude I know. I also so so much sweet art, I was in paradise. Everyone was just walking around downtown and chatting and I met so many cool people, I had to double check make sure I hadn't entered the twilight zone. For a city that no longer wants to support the arts financially it sure looks like we know what we are doing when it comes to art festivals.
I also walked past the Ritz theater and saw that it is being renovated and they have all these neat performances lined up when its open. When its finished, I saw party at the Ritz, yeaaaah boi. Keep it real Corpus
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